Jayson Cheuk Yat

Jayson started playing the violin at the age of 7, and majoring in piano at the age of 3. He received musical training at home, and attained grade 8 for both instruments by the age of 13. He has been a member of St. Joseph’s Primary School string orchestra and symphony orchestra, St. Joseph’s College string orchestra, and Diocesan Boys’ School Symphony Orchestra consecutively for a total of 10 years (2014-2023). He has participated in the String Orchestra Competition by HK Joint School Music Association (2018) and String Orchestra Contest by HK Youth Music Interflows (2018), achieving silver and bronze awards for these two respectively. He has also participated in multiple annual school concerts, showcasing the musical talents of the orchestra to the students, parents and old boys, at the same time raising funds for the school foundation via the annual signature event. Currently, Jayson is preparing for the LTCL Diploma for Violin, and the pieces that he has chosen for this competition are part of his exam pieces.