
Young pianist born in Wrocław in 2008. Student of a general education school
Karol Szymanowski Music Centre in Wrocław. He started his piano lessons at the age of six in the class of Mrs. Elżbieta Nawarecka. He is currently studying in
class of Prof. Paweł Zawadzki. He mastered his skills by participating in
masterclasses with Prof. Mariola Cieniawa, Prof. Joanna Ławrynowicz-Just, Prof. Janusz
Skowron, Prof. Andrzej Tatarski. In 2022, he was a participant of the National
Methodical Piano Masterclasses in Łańcut "From craft to mastery".
In 2019, 2020 and 2022 he was a participant of the Winter Academy of Music in the European
Krzysztof Penderecki Music Centre in Lusławice. In 2022, he was awarded
1st place in the Etude category and the winner of the first place in the Nocturne in Virtual category
Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition organized by the Polish Radio
Chopin. In this competition he also won the Audience Award. He is also the winner of many
other competitions, such as first place at the 2nd International Franz Liszt Center Piano Competition
in Spain, 1st place at the Odin International Music Competition, 1st place
in the II National Piano Competition in Sosnowiec, 1st place and prize
for the interpretation of Benjamin Godard's work at the International Gustav Mahler Competition
Prize in Prague, 1st place and a special prize for outstanding musicality
at the International Viennese Spring Music Competition in Vienna, 1st place
at the VI International Piano Competition in Trzciana, 1st place at the XXIV
Halina Czerny-Stefańska National Piano Tournament in Żagań, 1st place
at the XII Irena Rolanowska National Piano Competition in Krakow, 1st place
at the III Carl Czerny International Piano Competition Young Virtuosos
in Zamość, First place at the I International Piano Competition "Piano Talents for
Europe" in Dolný Kubín, Slovakia. Many times his playing graced numerous events
cultural m.in at the gala of awarding the Silesia Nova Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding
Gifted Child, during the International Conference on Lower Silesia
Talent Support System as well as at numerous concerts organized by
Lower Silesian Fryderyk Chopin Society in Wrocław. He is an eight-foldscholarship holder of the Mayor of Wrocław for outstanding artistic achievements.