Naphitchaya Sae-Jew (August)
August is 13 years old and she was born in Bangkok, Thailand. Now, she is currently studying in secondary year 7 at Mater Dei School. She always likes art and music, so she takes classes in harp, piano, ballet and Spanish dance.
August became fascinated with the harp after saw her friend playing harp. The she began her harp journey at the age of 7. She has won numbers of international competitions such as Gold Prize and Characteristic Performance Special prize from The London Young Musician 2023(UK), First Prize from International Music Competition Paris “Grand Prize Virtuoso”2022 (France), Platinum Medal from 2022 Quebec Music Competition Online International (Canada), etc.
In addition, August is very proud and has the opportunity to accelerate her musical talents and bring happiness to people by playing harp for charity, such as event of “The Navy Music Alumni Charity” and A Music Charity for Siriraj Hospital Foundation.
In early of 2023, August was granted a recognition and award “The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Contributing to the Enhancement of the National Reputation in Arts and Culture of Children and Youth in 2023” from the Minister of Education at the Government house of Thailand.